TGIF! For those of you who "celebrate" Halloween, I hope you have a safe one tomorrow!!
I hope you're in the mood for some templates!!
I have a set of Negative Space (or White Space) Templates!
Fabulously Negative - Templates
Grab it here -->> HERE!
Wanna see some inspiration from my fabulous new CT?
Happy Scrapping!!
I hope you're in the mood for some templates!!
I have a set of Negative Space (or White Space) Templates!
Fabulously Negative - Templates

Wanna see some inspiration from my fabulous new CT?

love the new templates! I'll have to grab them when I get back home...have a spooky weekend!
wow.. this is some self congratulation. Those templates look amazing.. what an incredible collection of layouts. You/we are an incredible bunch of talented ladies!
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