Friday, October 16, 2009

New Products for Friday!!

Well, another week has come and gone. Soon it'll be Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then 2010. Seriously?! Sheesh, the time just goes by too fast these days. At any rate, here I am with some new products for today. I'm super stoked that I actually got my Halloween kit done. I am such a fan of Halloween. I don't know if its the dressing up, the festivities, or what, but I've always loved it! I've got several new items today, so lets just get down to business!

First up, I have a set of templates, these were inspired by my wonderful CT gal Amanda (panders77). I just love her original LO's!!

"Be Inspired - Amanda"
Grab the templates --> HERE!

Here are some LO's from my CT & SM's CT!

"Boo Bash"
"The Papers"
You can grab the kit --> HERE!

Just want the alpha? NO problem!

"Boo Bash Alpha"

Grab it --> HERE!

I also whipped up some cute Word Art that matches my Boo Bash kit! Now, when I named these, I thought of my CT gal Jen D. She's always saying, "just sayin'" and I thought it was cute!

"Just Sayin' - Halloween"

Grab 'em --> HERE!

And last but certainly not least, I have a bundle for you! You'll get both "Boo Bash" and the WA - "Just Sayin' - Halloween" for a discounted price! But hurry and purchase it now, it'll only be bundled up for a week! After that it'll be available separately!

The Bundle:
Grab it --> HERE!

Here is some more inspiration from my CT!
Oh - and don't forget about my CT call. The Call ends tomorrow @ midnight CST!

Happy Scrapping!

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