Tuesday, November 8, 2011


So, last week I announced some pretty crazy news! WM[squared] is moving...but I didn't tell you WHERE I was going to.....Well...wonder no further.......
I'm headed to.................

That's right!! I'm going to be an Orchard Gal!!

I'm so excited for my new adventure!

In addition to that - I have TWO MORE exciting announcements!!
  • I will be having a CT call this month, so be on the lookout for that!
  • WM[squared] now has a WEBSITE! www.wmsquared-designs.com . . .this weekend, all news and blog posts will be posted over there, in addition, this blog will be re-directed to my new site, SO..bookmark it now! :D


Tanyia said...

fantastic, congrats on the new home :) Will be great to have you at SO!

WM[squared] Designs said...

thanks so much!! I'm excited!! :D

Pressed Petals said...

congrats! are all of the SM gals going over there?

WM[squared] Designs said...

not all of us, but a handful of us are! :D

Elisabeth said...

That's awsome, I just saw your baseball kit!! Super cute now you should make a football kit!!! I have been begging people to make me sports kits for years!!! CONGRATS

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